Do you ever wish you had a calendar filled with client appointments?
Or that you could spend less time marketing, and more time helping your clients?
Or maybe you’d like to raise your rates and start getting paid what you’re worth.
But perhaps there’s been something getting in the way for you.
Maybe you’re short on time. Or you don’t know how to explain the benefits of what you do. Or you just aren’t sure why your website isn’t bringing you new clients.
You know you could grow your business, if someone could just tell you how to get your website visitors to say, “Yes! This is exactly what I need!”
You’re not alone. Lots of service-based businesses struggle with turning website visitors into paying clients. You just need a little help to get a better website that works harder for you.
The key to packing your calendar with clients you love
It is possible to fully book your calendar and increase the revenue you bring in from your services. You can create a business that gives you consistent income and provides more freedom and flexibility.
That’s what I’m going to help you do.
One of things that overwhelms business owners is that they feel like their websites need to be perfect, down to every last pixel. They get overwhelmed by trying to make their websites into Swiss Army Knives that accomplish ALL the things.
That’s a recipe for months (or years) of constant website doubts. Followed by more years of uncertain tweaking, fiddling, and fussing.
But today I’ve got good news for you. Your website doesn’t have to do a huge list of things to get you more client bookings. It just needs to do three things, and do them well.
I can show you exactly what to change on your website to make clients more interested in you.
I’m Beth Hayden, and I’m a copywriter who helps businesses fix the things that are clogging up conversions in their websites, emails, and sales funnels.
Over the past 14 years, I’ve helped over 100 clients clarify their message and grow their businesses using smart, easy-to-implement online marketing strategies.
Here’s the bottom line: It’s easy to get more clients from your website when you know what to change, why those shifts will help you, and how to actually make the changes.
That’s why I’ve created a special service that does just that. It’s called the Top-to-Bottom Website Review, and you can get all the details later on this page.
Now I’m going to walk you through exactly what you need to know, to have a website that converts.
“Beth’s copywriting improved our conversion rate by 24%.”
“Beth rewrote the sales copy for an underperforming landing page that helped lift its conversion rate from 1% to 25%, which increased my client’s revenue by tens of thousands of dollars per month. She is my go-to copywriter for landing pages and email sequences.” — Matt Lee, Lead Generation Experts
Here’s the secret to a website that converts visitors into clients
Your site has three main objectives to accomplish, so it can turn a visitor into a client. Those objectives are:
- Explain who you are and what you offer.
- Give your visitor a reason to care about what you’re saying.
- Tell people exactly what to do next if they’re interested in working with you.
If your website does all three of these things, you’ll get more clients from your site.
You can also feel proud of your site and confident about your message when you give people your URL.
And you’ll be able to stop wasting time and money on marketing efforts that don’t work.
By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll know how to improve your existing website so it accomplishes all three objectives consistently. And you’ll know how to turn your website into a top-performing salesperson that works for your business 24 hours a day.
Now let’s take a deeper look at each of these three objectives…
Explain Who You Are and What You Offer
If your visitors don’t get a clear message from you, they’re not going to pay attention – no matter how much you spend on website design and development.
All the fancy branding in the world isn’t going to help if your visitors don’t understand what the heck you’re talking about.
And in the early days of my copywriting career, I realized pretty quickly that getting this kind of website clarity is harder than it sounds.
My clients continually say things like:
- “My current website is completely unclear about what I do and how I help people.”
- “I have trouble explaining my services in a way people understand.”
- “People have to work too hard to figure out how to book a phone call with me.”
Let’s face it: Most websites are confusing. Many sites actually leave visitors scratching their heads and saying “Who is this person, and what exactly are they offering?”
Confused people don’t book appointments. They click over to Facebook or TikTok.
That leads us to our second objective:
Give the Reader a Reason to Care.
Every person who lands on your website has one question on their minds:
“What’s in it for me?”
Whether you’re aware of it or not, you ask this question every time you land on a new site, too.
We’re all inherently self-centered. Human beings make decisions based on our own best interests.
What that means for you as a service-based business is that your website MUST clearly communicate why people should care about what you’re saying – and it needs to get that point across quickly.
Most people spend about 5 seconds on a website before deciding if they’re going to stay. That’s not a lot of time to tell people why they should care.
But it is possible to speak directly (and immediately) to what people really want and need, in our website copy.
With the help of smart copywriting principles from persuasion experts, you can give people very specific (and very compelling) reasons to stick around.
Your visitors want to do things like:
This isn’t a complete list, but it’s not a bad starting place for many service-based businesses. And if you can speak to these interests on your website, you’ll be able to hold your visitors’ attention and keep them away from those internet memes.
Ever heard copywriters and marketing experts talk about “describing benefits?” That’s exactly what we’re talking about here. People care about how you can benefit them – and that’s what you need to spell out in vivid detail on your website.
When you can do that, you’ll move people one step closer to booking an appointment with you.
And once you’ve got them caring about what you’re offering, your website has one final objective:
Tell Them What to Do Next.
Once you’ve snagged your visitor’s interest in your services, and given them a reason to care about what you’re offering, you need to do one more thing:
Give them the next step.
For most service businesses, the next step is usually to get on the phone with someone (either you, or a member of your team). Ideally, the prospects who are interesting in chatting with you will fill out a contact form, call you directly, or book a consultation appointment directly on your site.
Leading people into this “next step” on your site means you’ll need a strong “Call to Action” in your website copy – and calls to action are shockingly easy to mess up.
Most service-based business websites do one of three things:
- Skip the call to action completely.
- Give visitors a vague or incomplete CTA.
- Or worst of all: They actually put up roadblocks that make it harder for people to book an appointment.
All three of these are conversion killers for your site – and these mistakes are confusing your visitors and costing you clients as we speak.
But when you can clarify your calls to action, you can put potential clients on a smooth virtual treadmill toward working with you.
There will be a clear path for everyone who visits your site – and that will not only get you more client bookings, it will boost every aspect of your marketing efforts.
The 3-step method for creating a site that converts
Remember, your website has three objectives. If it can do all three, you’ll get clients. If it doesn’t, it will be radio silence for your business.
Those three objectives are:
- Explain who you are and what you offer.
- Give your visitors a reason to care about what you’re saying.
- Tell people exactly what to do next if they’re interested in working with you.
But it’s easy to have blind spots when it comes to your website.
You may think you’re being clear about what you offer, giving people a reason to care, and providing an easy next step…
…but if you’re not getting clients from your site, something isn’t quite right.
Fill your business with clients you can’t wait to work with
When your messaging works, your website can be unstoppable.
You’ll not only have a fully booked appointment calendar – you’ll be able to spend less time marketing your business and more time helping people and doing work you enjoy.
You’ll exit the marketing roller coaster and stop taking endless online courses about how to grow your business – because your website will consistently do the work for you.
But if you’re not sure if your website is fulfilling these three objectives, or you know something is wrong and you don’t know how to fix it, there is a way to get some help.
You can get eagle-eyed feedback from an experienced copywriter and online strategist, so you can improve your site and get more appointments from every page. That’s what you’ll get with the new Top-to-Bottom Website Review.
Ready to eliminate confusion, create a compelling, authentic message, and turn more visitors into clients?
Let’s take a look at what’s inside.
Here’s what you’ll get with the Top-to-Bottom Website Review
This program is designed to help you get more clients from your website – and make the process as painless as possible.
I’ll walk you through a variety of small changes you can make to your website to improve your conversion rate and book more client appointments.
Your review will include a step-by-step checklist to follow and simple suggestions for making your message compelling to every visitor who lands on your home page.
Whether your website is five days old, or you’ve had the same site for the past decade, you’ll get the exact strategies I’ve used to help hundreds of people transform their business by improving their websites.
Here is what’s included:
1. A Detailed Video Review of Your Entire Website
I’ll look over every page on your site and give you practical ways to:
- Make your headlines more enticing so visitors stop ignoring you.
- Improve your calls to action so you get more email subscribers and more booked appointments.
- Diagnose images that are hurting your conversion rates.
- Clarify your copy, so visitors know exactly what you do and why they should pick you.
- Connect with your visitors so you can reduce your bounce rate and keep people reading longer.
- Remove roadblocks that are stopping your customers from contacting you.
- Avoid buzzwords and jargon that will confuse and annoy your visitors.
- Improve your visual formatting and make your site more user-friendly for visitors.
- Fix common conversion mistakes that are holding you back.
- Communicate your message authentically and honestly, without overselling or sounding sleazy.
I’ll examine all your pages from your visitor’s perspective, so you can understand what draws people in and gets them to keep reading, and what stops them from taking the next step.
You’ll get a step-by-step video walkthrough of all my feedback, with explanations based on proven usability and persuasion principles.
After your review, you’ll know exactly what’s working and what’s not, so you can end website shame forever and create a site that makes clients say, “Yes! I can’t wait to hire this person!”
2. Step-by-Step, Prioritized Checklist of Action Items
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE checklists. They make my life easier and less stressful every day, and nothing gives me a bigger endorphin rush than crossing something off a list.
That endorphin rush – and all the other benefits of checklists – are why I include an action item list with every website review.
With this checklist, you’ll never feel overwhelmed and you’ll know exactly what to do next. Your task list will keep you organized, so you don’t miss a single opportunity to turn the right visitor into a client who can’t wait to work with you.
Your checklist will help you get results faster – so you can get more clients and boost your income as quickly as possible.
You’ll stay motivated and excited to make changes yourself – or have any easy way to pass on instructions and delegate a task on the list.
3. One-on-One Coaching Call
In this 30-minute follow-up coaching call, you can ask additional questions and get supplemental coaching on how to refine and clarify your messaging. This is a 100% personalized call that is just for you, so you’ll get advice that is specific to your situation and your business.
You can explain your unique challenges with technology, copy, or usability issues, and you’ll get personalized advice from me on simple ways to create a high-converting website.
After this call, you’ll have the confidence you need to unveil your transformed website to the world and start getting more clients every week.
4. Resource List of Implementation Helpers
By this point, you might be thinking, “But how am I going to implement the recommendations you give me?”
None of the changes I recommend will be major – I NEVER recommend a total overhaul – but I understand that technology may not be your forte and you may not want to make the adjustments on your own.
That’s why I’ll be giving you my “Little Black Book” of Website Helpers – my proven list of developers and virtual assistants – to help you implement any changes you need.
These are affordable contractors who DON’T require ongoing commitments, and who can help you make small changes to your site without a hefty price tag.
When I need help, these are the people I trust – and I’m going to share my list with you, to help you make tech changes as fast and as easily as possible.
Free Bonus: Access to My Copywriter’s Swipe File
Ever wonder if copywriters have a secret stash of website examples they look at when they need inspiration?
All copywriters do. It’s called a “swipe file” – and mine has been one of my secret weapons for years.
My collection is packed with:
- Home pages that convert browsers to buyers
- Compelling about pages that tell stories in concise and compelling ways
- Email opt-in boxes that rake in subscribers
- Contact forms that don’t scare people away
- And more!
With your site review, you’ll get access to my entire collection of website examples.
The collection includes:
- A giant grab bag of inspiration and ideas that will make you feel excited to improve your website.
- Time-tested frameworks for copy and layouts, from high-conversion sites.
- Examples you can show to your developer, virtual assistant, or tech helper, saving you time and money.
When you’re done looking through this drawer full of inspiring ideas, you’ll breathe easier, knowing you’ll never have to face the blank page again and will always have great examples at your fingertips.
Your perfect clients are waiting for you.
When you have a website that speaks to your ideal clients and guides them through the next step quickly and easily, you’ll get more appointments every week.
And with a fully booked calendar, you’ll be able to stop stressing out about your marketing, and spend more time helping your clients.
You’ll feel confident when you give someone your URL, because you’ll know your website perfectly describes who you are and how you can help.
That kind of confidence will help you do some of the things you’ve been wanting to do for a long time – like raise your rates, write a book, or add group programs to your business.
You’ll have all the clients you need, so you can stop signing up for online marketing courses that make you feel guilty and overwhelmed.
Everybody has a moment of realization where they know for sure they need help improving their website and clarifying their message.
Is this your moment?
If so, I can’t wait to see how you can grow your business with a website that works.
There are only 2 review spots left for September, so click this button to lock in your review:
Here’s Everything You Get with Your Top-to-Bottom Website Review:
- A comprehensive video review of your entire site, including your layout, copy, email list opt-in forms, images, usability, and calls to action.
- A step-by-step, prioritized checklist of action items to help you start improving your site’s conversion rate right away and keep you motivated as you put changes in place.
- A 30-minute follow-up call with me, so you can get all your questions answered and get additional coaching and implementation advice.
- My “Little Black Book” of trusted resources to help you implement your changes. If you do need help putting small tweaks in place, you’ll have trusted, vetted developers, virtual assistants, SEO coaches, and other experts right at your fingertips.
- BONUS: Access to my Copywriter’s Swipe File collection, which is packed with inspiring examples of high-converting websites (including home, about, contact, and opt-in pages) that you can pull from when you need ideas.
Best of all, you’ll get all this for only $499 today. There are only 2 spots left for reviews in September, so now is the perfect time to reserve one of those spaces in my calendar:
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I retain control over my website with this service?
Yes! You will maintain total control over your entire site – I’ll never step in or push you aside.
One of the core values of my business is helping service providers feel empowered about their websites. With this program, you’ll get one-time recommendations you can implement quickly and easily – no muss, no fuss.
Will I be able to make all these changes on my own?
Yes, you will be able to implement the majority of the changes on your own. For anything you may want to delegate, I’ll recommend affordable, trustworthy resources to help you get it done.
Will I have time to make these changes?
I get it – business owners are notoriously pressed for time. But keep in mind that it’s actually costing you time and money to have a website that doesn’t turn visitors into clients. You have to work harder at other marketing efforts (like networking events, social media, or advertising) because your website isn’t pulling its weight. Making some small fixes and plugging the leaks in your website actually saves you time and money in the long run.
Will this be applicable to my specific business?
There’s a lot of really generic marketing advice online – and most of it is geared toward businesses that feature big “BUY NOW” buttons on their sites. Service businesses are different. Your client isn’t going to buy directly from your site (especially not on the first visit).
Your website’s purpose is to get people to take the next step and get on the phone with you to see if you’re a good fit. My goal with this review is to make your phone ring and get appointment requests coming in more consistently.
All of my advice is 100% customized for YOUR website, YOUR potential clients, and YOUR business. I never give cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all recommendations, because every business is different.
Will I have to sound “salesy” or inauthentic?
One of the great things about this review is that I’m not going to write the copy for you – so you never need to worry about publishing content that doesn’t sound like you. Your authenticity will still shine through on the page, because you’ll be writing with your own personality and style.
You also have my promise: I never make recommendations that suggest you do anything spammy or dishonest. The most important thing is that you maintain a great relationship with your audience. That’s what this program will help you do.
I’ve heard of website “teardowns” before…are you going to “tear down” my copy and make me feel bad about my site?
Being hyper-critical and negative isn’t my style. My job isn’t to tear you down – it’s to build you up and make you feel smart, capable, and inspired!
I start every copy review with a list of things you’re already doing well. I want to celebrate your successes and build on the things that are already working. When you’re done with your Top-to-Bottom Website Review, you will feel excited and empowered to implement the tweaks I recommend.
How do I know I can trust you?
I’ve been an online marketing coach and copywriter for over 15 years, and during that time, my mission has been to empower people to book their businesses solid and have more consistent income. I’ll be reviewing your site using the world’s best copywriting and marketing practices for service-based business websites.
Getting clients doesn’t have to be hard.
When visitors land on your site and immediately know exactly what you offer and how valuable your services are, the whole process of booking appointments gets remarkably easy.
Taking the next step becomes an absolute no-brainer for your “perfect fit” prospects, and your business will start to grow the way you always hoped it would.
If you reserve your spot now, you’ll have my feedback in just a few days – and you can start making the changes that will bring you more clients.
If you want to book more clients from your website, scroll down and reserve your spot in this limited-time program right now.
It’s easy to get started – book your review today.
Today’s the day when you discover how easy it is to go from a ho-hum website to one that consistently turns visitors into clients.
Your site can make people say, “Yes – this is the right choice for me.” That will lead directly to more income for your business, so you can design the life you’ve been dreaming about.
Today’s the day that your website stops dragging you down and stressing you out, and turns into a full-time sales asset that never takes breaks and never quits.
Reserve your spot below to take the first step now:
Here’s how the review process works:
- Reserve your review by clicking one of the orange buttons on this page.
- After payment, you’ll receive an email that lets you know how to submit your site for review (no need to spruce things up before you submit – just send me your current site!). If you don’t get those details, email me at and I’ll get you set up.
- You submit your site and get my walkthrough review, your checklist, and all your other goodies a week later.
The process is easy, and I’m looking forward to helping you get more clients.
Here are a few quick words from clients I’ve helped:
“Worth every single penny!”
“Beth’s audit of my website was tremendously helpful. I have been yearning for this kind of feedback for years. I reached out to a few web designers because I knew that I needed something, but they were all at a loss to help me. I knew that I had some content issues, but I had no idea where to start or how to fix them. This audit was worth every single penny!” – Tamara Beauchard,
“With Beth’s copy, we had the most lucrative month in our company’s 9-year history.”
“Working with Beth has been nothing short of dream come true. The first sales page she wrote for me was an absolute game changer (which is why I’ve hired her to write three more since then). The real magic of working with Beth came during the launch. We had our most lucrative month in our company’s 9-year history!” – Lauren Messiah,
“Beth Hayden is the best investment that I have made in my business in the last 30 years.”
“Beth’s copywriting helped me doubled the sales of my online course during my last launch. The truth is, if it weren’t for Beth Hayden, I would not have nearly the number of clients that I have – and I wouldn’t have a network that spans the globe.” – Tamara Suttle,
“We had a $70,000 launch.”
“Beth’s sales page was the main reason we just finished up a record-breaking $70,000 launch. The numbers were phenomenal. We were amazed at the difference in our conversions.” – Michelle McQuaid,
“Beth is one of the best writers I’ve ever worked with.”
“I work with a lot of writers, and Beth is one of the best I’ve ever worked with. One of her posts brought in over 10,000 organic views last year.” – Terry Ibele,